Flow Control / SSR

Regional Operational Center in Khartoum in support of the Khartoum Process and AU-Horn of Africa Initiative (ROCK)

The “Regional Operational Centre in support of the Khartoum process and the African Union (AU) Horn of Africa Initiative”(ROCK), is a regional project to fight criminal networks involved in human trafficking and smuggling, financed by the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa of the European Union, which was launched as part of the Khartoum process at the request of countries from the Horn of Africa.

The strategy of the ROCK project is to facilitate the exchange information between competent police Law Enforcement Agencies. The project consists of setting up a platform in Khartoum, the regional centre “ROCK”, to bring together liaison officers from beneficiary countries in one location to effectively exchange police information.


- PROJECT COMPLETED - 2nd phase of the project being implemented by CIVIPOL 


People are suffering due to traffickers and smugglers who are making enormous amounts of money through exploitation with no care for the safety of those they move. Many migrants are victims of extortion, torture, detention for ransom, sexual violence and exploitation, forced labour and domestic servitude. Migrants are dying every day.

According to a study by Europol in 2017, activities by these criminal networks represent between 4.7 and 5.7 billion Euros a year, making it one of the largest and most widespread sources of profit for organised crime.

Setting up the “Regional Operational Centre in support of the Khartoum process and the AU Horn of Africa Initiative – ROCK” is one of the concrete responses to fight these criminal networks and to stop further victimization.


The ROCK is 52 months, 5M€ project implemented by Civipol for the benefit of a consortium of European Union Member States (EU MS), made of France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain as associate partner and Germany as an observer, and in partnership with INTERPOL and the African Union.

The ROCK is being set up for the countries of the Khartoum process and the AU Horn of Africa Initiative, which are Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda.

The ROCK, located in Khartoum, Sudan, is a law enforcement project. Its objective is to fight criminal networks involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling and to mitigate the dangers and often fatal consequences that migrants face in the hands of the smugglers. 

The strategy of the ROCK is to enhance the capacities of the Criminal Investigation Departments (CID) of the General Directorates of National Police forces of partner countries to dismantle criminal networks involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

Its main tactic is to share more law enforcement-related information and to do so more quickly among the partner countries’ CIDs which are in charge of combating human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

To do this, liaison officers (LO) from each CID of the beneficiary countries are to be brought together at a single site wich is : The ROCK (Regional Operational Center in Khartoum). 


The project in figures

5 M€

Grant budget


Beneficiary Countries


The project started in December 2017 and ended on 30 April 2022. A second phase of the project is being implemented by CIVIPOL

  • 04 December 2017

    Start of the project

  • 30 April 2022

    End of the action

    End of the project

  • 03 December 2020

    9 Months Extension

    In order to consolidate its foundations and focus on the collaboration with INTERPOL, the project has been extended by 9 months.

The main objective of the project is to fight against criminal networks involved in human trafficking and people smuggling The main objective of the project is to fight against criminal networks involved in human trafficking and people smuggling

About the project

Person in charge of steering

SANDOR Anne-Sophie

Project status


Funding type

European Union

Contract type
